Check out our Cross Cultural Training courses here.
Looking for online options? Click on the e-learning tab at the top right!
1. Solve The Culture Puzzle! 
A one-day, interactive, classroom training session covering international business and cultural differences using our proprietary 4-Step model to cover topics such as:
- What cultural concept is most important for me to apply today to work effectively, saving time and money across cultures?
- Hierarchy and how to work with it, or without it, to get results fast
- Individualism and Collectivism and its impact on team dynamics, promotion and hiring
- Uncertainty Avoidance and how this can affect your team's ability to "think outside the box", and make decisions quickly
- Body Language across cultures and the importance of starting the business relationship out on the right foot
- Basic assumptions about how work should be done in different areas of the world
- Timeliness, punctuality, respect and titles - when they're important and why they're important
- Direct language vs diplomatic language - what will get you the results you need right now?
2. Solve the Culture Puzzle - Asia! 
A one-day, interactive classroom training session covering in-depth topics around doing business effectively with a specific focus on Asia. We've worked there, we've seen the differences, we've studied the theory, so that you can benefit from our Asian experience!
We use our proprietary, 4-step model to structure the flow of our training day to provide clarity about what you can do, right now, to be more effective in your intercultural contacts with Asia.
We will work together to understand concepts like how "Yes" in Asia doesn't mean the same thing as "Yes" in North America, contracts, leading and following, body language, high-context conversations, saving and losing face, Asian conceptions of personal space, logic and relationship building.
This course is a must-have for contacts with Asian customers, employees and teams!
3. Solve the Culture Puzzle - Latin America! 
A one-day, interactive classroom training session covering in-depth topics around doing business effectively in Latin America, with specific focus on Mexico and Brazil. We've lived there, we've worked there, and we've studied the theory so that you can benefit from our Latin American experience!
We use our proprietary, 4-step model to structure the flow of our training day to provide clarity about what you can do, right now, to be more effective in your intercultural contacts with Latin America.
We will work together to understand concepts like hierarchy, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, body language, high-context conversations, punctuality and its meaning, Latin American perceptions of personal space and the importance of relationship building.
This course is essential for working in Latin America with customers, employees and teams!
4. Solve the Culture Puzzle for Leaders! 
A one-day, interactive classroom training session covering in-depth topics with a specific focus on how to effectively lead and manage across cultures. Leadership styles differ greatly in different cultures, and you have to know what works where, and why! We've seen different leadership styles in our travels and work on four continents, and we can back it up with theory as well - make sure to benefit from our experience!
We use our proprietary, 4-step model to structure the flow of our training day to provide clarity about what you can do, right now, to be more effective in your role as a leader across cultures.
There is a dramatic difference in leadership styles around the world and what works well in one culture frequently does not translate well to another. Anyone leading cross cultural or diverse teams can benefit from this information. It's a real eye opener to realize that there are many different ways to push your people for results - but if you don't know what's culturally appropriate, you may be working at a huge disadvantage you don't even know about!
5. Solve the Culture Puzzle On The Go! 
Just found out you’re about to go to Asia? Latin America? Arranging a trip to Eastern Europe and aren’t sure what you need to know to make your trip a success? Don't have time in your busy schedule to take a full day for training?
We also deliver all the courses listed above in an webex/teleconference context for people on the move, who can’t spare the time to spend in a full-day session in one location. We adapt our approach to ensure that all the salient points are covered in a time-sensitive, impactful way to give you what you need to know, in a fast-paced 2-hour session, at a reduced cost, delivered remotely with an instructor. In one quick, small-group or one-on-one discussion you will understand the most important facts about your cross cultural situation, in a realistic, easy-to-understand approach, with time allotted for Q and A. We’ll help get you ready, and effective, to ensure your cross cultural success!
Contact us to determine the best approach for your situation!
6. Coaching - Solve the Culture Puzzle One on One! 
We use our proprietary 4-step model to ensure you get the most focused, on-strategy approach to cross cultural coaching when you need it. If you have a problem, we've probably heard of a similar situation or been in it ourselves. Let's talk!
Benefit from our experience and avoid costly mistakes. We will do an initial assessment to determine your current state and where you are experiencing frustration or feel you’re not making an impact. Based on that assessment we will create a gap analysis and custom design a coaching strategy with flexible timing, approach and content. Let us know what you need! We’ll work together to figure it out and help you find a solution that works for you!
7. True Colors Teambuilding Sessions to Improve Communication 
Enjoy a half-day training session of understanding and laughter. In this low-stress environment, all participants will gain greater self-awareness and identify each other's preferred communication and work styles. This course distills personality profile theory into the most easy-to-understand and applicable approach possible and is delivered by a certified True Colors professional trainer. Give it a try! Your team will love you for it!
8. Train The Trainer - Making Your Trainers More Effective 
This two-day course will help you select in-house trainers, and coach them to greater success. We will focus on presentation and adult-learning skills, training room management, dealing with difficult participants, and more. Let us help you select the best candidates, and then teach them to bring their "A" game whenever they train!
Upon completion of our training courses, participants will be able to better:
- Reduce confusion, misunderstanding and delays due to cultural differences, saving time and money
- Apply different cultural comparisons to further their understanding of teammates, leaders and customers
- Improve communication across teams, divisions, groups, countries
- Help build solid work relationships
- Reduce cross cultural frustrations and improve communication efficiency
- Remove cultural misunderstandings between employees, leaders and customers
- Create greater awareness of interpersonal needs of key stakeholders in new and emerging markets to learn how to make an impact on the business more quickly
- Refocus key players on what they have in common – working together to get the job done, regardless of where they are located across the globe
- Move away from an "us vs. them" mentality to a "we" mentality when dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds